Episode 31 - Ainhoa
For some days Ace had been watching over one of his friends house, and one day he finds a woman sleeping in back yard of the house, so he sits down and waits for her to wake up, but what happens after she woke up was not expected.

Episode 32 - JazzyLaw
Ace had the feeling of him seeing this girl again, as he had gotten an invite from her to take with her up to a cabin in the mountains, so he did take with her up there and such and they had good time, with a little bit to much to drink but that did not stop the fun.

Episode 33 - Meag
It had been awhile since Ace had taken his time to just relax and such, so he called a girlfriend of his and they went to this place together to relax, but at some point Ace felt asleep while relaxing, but woke up to a pleasing surprise.

Episode 34 - KittyKityy Ft. LionBlack
So its about that time where the weather is decent, so Ace had invited a couple of his friends over for some BBQ and such, so while Ace where doing the food, his friends where enjoying the pool and the sun of cause, but it seems they got to enjoy it a bit to much so Ace went to check what was going on, and lets just say the food ended up being cold at the end.

Episode 35 - LauraTWK
Just normal day for Ace though he got a call from a friend about keeping a look at his little laundry, and Ace said yes to it, and as he was just sitting there and watching, he saw a girl that was having some trouble with one of the machines, so he went to help her, though after they got it working something else happen.

Episode 36 - Sath Ft. Ryan Part 1
Is this love in the air? well at least there was a date going on near Ace as he had gotten himself a side job on a boat, where he stands behind the bar, and some people where on a date of some sort. Though the guy went the the bathroom and never got back for a while, so Ace joined the lady so she where not alone.

Episode 37 - Sath Ft. Ryan Part 2
So after the little fun that happen on the top deck of the boat, they went downstairs as it was about to be late, and the guy the girl was with had went to bed, the girl was taking a bath to clean up the mess, but though not satisfied so she wanted to see who of the guys where still awake and such and then it went from there.

Episode 38 - SexxxyJessica Ft. JackLewd
So after last time Ace was at this bar with his friend Jack, but he then had the idea of getting a private show, and did not expect that it would be one of the ladies from last time that joined him in the back room for it. So as the show went on, the hotter it got.
(special made picture at the end made by SexxxyJessica)

Episode 39 - Elith Ft. Steven
After a long time Ace sat down with some friends that he had not seen for a while, they got some drinks, talked and stuff like that for some time, then his friends went to do something that he did not know what was, though he went out looking for them and found them in some sort of an abandoned warehouse or something.

Episode 40 - PetrovaFord Ft. JasonB
Ace and two of his friends was relaxing on the beach, but Ace and his friend JasonB got a little idea to tease there girl friend that was between them, so from there it all got a bit more hot then the sun.

Episode 41 - Peta
Ace had booked himself on one of those fancy hotels, and to his surprise so had one of his many girl friends also, so when the met up they sat down and got something to drink, and as they talked and the time went on, things started to take a bit of a turn on the mood in the room.

Episode 42 - MissSmith
So Ace had been talking with girl for a bit, before things went a to the backroom of the nightclub, where she gave Ace a bit of a strip tease, while doing that she got to turn around to something unexpected from Ace's side, but though it all ended good.

Episode 43 - Sharon & Morgaine
So after a long time Ace decided to visit the old club called Sin Club, it was full of people as he remembered it back then, after some time at the club he found himself in one of the side rooms of the club, where he saw a lady and what he would guess was her slave or at least a submissive woman, so he talked a bit with them, and at the end they both seemed rather submissive towards Ace.

Episode 44 - xChristix
So Ace where just standing on the streets looking for new and fresh faces, and suddenly this collage looking lady come walking, and gets Ace's attention, so he walk up and stops her outside of the entrance to the building, asking her if she want to do audition for a "movie" though there ain't being any movie made.

Episode 45 - HaileyDA
So Ace had been out meeting new people, and one of the girls he met between them all, invited him to her place where he met a new girl, and as they where relaxing in the sun, that girl got a bit of an idea, and things got a bit hotter then the sun made them.