Episode 91 - Belleanna
The Slut Bus - Ep 6
So Ace got himself that bright idea to call one of the best escorts he knew and invited her to the bus, they talked a bit before he got her to sit in front of him, and stuff took a bit of a turn for the dear escort.

Episode 92 - BeckyBitch
The Slut Bus - Ep 7
Ace was just chilling in the bus as a lady entered it, he had not thought someone would come by this day, but he got himself a pleasing surprise, as she seemed to be quiet the submissive lady, so it was quiet easy for Ace to get her to do things.

Episode 93 - Ainhoa
The Slut Bus - Ep 8
Ace had a call from one of his long timed friends, that he had not seen for a while now, so he invited her out to the bus, when she arrived he saw how see through her clothing was, which made him stare a bit, though his friend saw him looking and things took a turn.

Episode 94 - Peta
The Slut Bus - Ep 9
Ace where just chilling this day away, as he got a call from someone he had not seen for a while now, so he invited the person over to his bus, when the person arrived they of cause chatted and such things, as it all got a bit more flirty between the two of them, and things took a turn for the naughty side.
Episode 95 - MissAbi
The Slut Bus - Ep 10
So this day ended up becoming something special for Ace, when a friend of his contacted him and he told the place where the bus where, when his friend arrived, she got at little tour of the bus before they found at place to sit or stand, and started to catch up with each other, while they talked suddenly Ace heard some sort of moaning behind and when he turned around, he got himself one hell of a lovely view.

Episode 96 - Sath ft. DrakeDevinchi
The Slut Bus - Ep 11
So Ace didn't really know what to do this day, so he decided to call a few of his friends over, then they came and all three of them went into the bus to sit down and talk, as time passed the lady of the group decided to get up and shake her butt a bit, as she then dropped something and made Ace and the other guy follow her lead.
Episode 97 - JazzyLaw
The Slut Bus - Ep 12
So Ace decided to do one last thing with the slut bus for this time, so he called someone over he had not seen for a good while, they started with some talking about old times, as time went she then decided to dance infront of Ace and things went from there.

Episode 98 - Sath
So after a while Ace returned to his little underground club, where he had a little talking with his secretary, talking about how things where going for it down here, though after a while things started to get a little heated between them both and things went another routh then planned.

Episode 99 - SexxxyJessica
So after the meeting at his underground club, Ace decided to relax at home and watch some tv, but he also invited a lady over so he had some company as well, but the lady had other plans as she wanted to have Ace's attention on her instead of him having it on the tv.

Episode 100 - Sath & SexxxyJessica
Spring Break-Down
So two ladies was on their way on spring break, as everyone else they didn't foreseen that their car would break down in the middle of it all while they where on their way to where they would hold their spring break, so they had to contact someone they knew, that had something with cars to do, luckily they both knew a man that could help, so one of them gave him a call and asked for help, how the rest went down, was a win win for both parts.

Episode 101 - PetrovaFord
So after a while where Ace had just been underground and not to be found, he finally got around again. As he was looking over his list of numbers on his phone, he though for himself "why not hit this one up", as he texted one and a few hours later, the lady was in his hotel room dressed nicely as a stripper and the night ended up being a really good one.

Episode 102 - MakotoNiijima
So Ace where at one of his friends place where he was sitting and talking with his friend and her boyfriend, but suddenly the boyfriend of the girl got a phone call, so after the call the boyfriend had to work which seemed more impotent to him rather then anything else.
So Ace and his friend was alone and after a bit of talking she seemed to wanting to come closer to Ace.

Episode 103 - Agathee
Ace had gotten the clever idea of inviting an friend of his to a nude beach, little did he know that his friend over the time that they where on the nude beach, she had been looking at a part of Ace.
As they had been laying in the sun, the warm feeling of the sun had made Ace sleepy and he had fallen asleep, but he sure woke up to a nice feeling that he got but from what?.

Episode 104 - Sath Ft. MarcusB
Ace and one of his friend had rented a fine little place to stay for the weekend, but doing the weekend it got kinda boring, so Ace got the idea of inviting one of his female friends over.
After his female friend arrived and everything, they all three sat down on the porch of the place and started to chat about all kind of things.
Though Ace and his friend started to look at part of their female company, to where they both started to get a hard kinda feeling down below and the talking change to something more exciting.

Episode 105 - SexxxyJessica
Ace had invited a female friend out to paint the city red, they ended up in some sort of strip club, but to their surprise they could hear loud music but also people moaning and such above them, which Ace's friend kinda got excited by.
So after a bit of sitting there his friend whispered something to him, but what was it about? only thing was sure the night only got more fun.