Nerixisys - Episode 11
As many other days Panthea took a day on the beach. There was a little island out in the water, so she went out there where she found this goth looking girl. After a little while they had been sitting close to each other sneaking glances, soon the fun began between them.
Veronique - Episode 12
After another good beach day Panthea went to the nightclub, where she found this woman in the bathroom of the club she was touching herself. Panthea moves closer, and the closer she got, the more excited she became. Looking at this slave girl Panthea was happy she had her big golden friend with her for this fun night of pleasure.
MaddieKay - Episode 13
Some time had passed where Panthea was away from things, she made plans to have a little party in a small house on an island, so she called a few friends to join. It did not take long before Panthea got alone with a lovely blond haired woman, and she took the chance yo have some fun with this girl.
Mangoz - Episode 14
A walk in the forest was something Panthea had in mind to do on such a fine day as this, but to her surprise she found this young man sitting in the middle of the forest. She crept through the bushes and trees, then ended up to be so close that this man could easily see her. She gives herself to the man, and that walk in the forest, got hot for them both.
SlaveAmanda - Episode 15
After wandering around from club to club, Panthea ended up in the one called The Nightclub. After some dancing and drinking, she went to the back of the club, where she found this little hottie, and decided to have a little fun with her. After some teasing, and playing things turned out pretty messy.
JoJoFiT - Episode 17
Just a normal night was what Panthea had in mind for having on the yacht, she had been on so many time by now.
Then as she was relaxing in the back pool on the ship, she gets joined by this girl. Having no idea of what this night had in store, but excited to find out. Thinking the night about to end with getting a bit messy, Panthea thinks that the girl has gotten enough, she herself gets a big surprise by the girl.
Genysis & Nikosanna - Episode 18
Just a day where Panthea has the idea to hang out at a bar and a woman and the bartender seemed to have other ideas. The woman by her side asks Panthea to come with her, and before they even get to talk much, they started to make out, and it becomes a messy meeting, with all three of them.
Valerica, Mangoz, Rockster, RichardSmirnoff, JohnnyRichter, Maxecco - Episode 19
A normal day where everything went as it should, Panthea had been called by her friend asking her to help at a night shift in a prison, and ofcouse she could not say no to her friend, but as everything went on and her friend left her desk for a few, something happened and the doors open up and the prisoners leave their cells then stuff starts to happen.
Kassya & Luarectic - Episode 20
Just as the day started out as good as any other day, Panthea enters the club shes going to, known as The Sin Club. What she sees in there is her punky friend dancing on the pole, so she went in and got herself a seat to enjoy the show. The club was pretty dead at that time, so it all went from a strip to well something else entirely.
Ghost (Morgaine) - Episode 16
Halloween special
Panthea was at this halloween party, where she got up on stage to sing some halloween songs. Soon she felt she was being spied upon, by a ghost. A ghost that was not that friendly, and it did not turn out that well for dear Panthea on this halloween night.