Katielawson & JohnnyRichter & Ffrenchy - Episode 31
One of those nights where Panthea did not know what she wanted to do, but then one of her friends called her and invited her to go to one of the nearby clubs. When they arrived there was no one in the club, beside two men sitting by the bar, but that did not stop them from dancing, and as the night went on the more fun it got.
EvaEvil - Episode 32
Panthea has yet again taken herself by the neck and draged her ass down to the club called Fresco, where she dances for a long time. After a while she gets tired and leans herself up against one of the pillars, where she lays her eyes on a girl she was sure she knew, so she calls her over to her. After talking some they go up the stairs to the second floor, but they did not get that far up them stairs.
Genysis - Episode 33
Panthea gets herself a little job on the side at the club called The Sin Club. As the club was closing for the night, there was this one girl that did not want to leave, so Panthea took the girl and showed her something fun, and at the end left the girl on her own in a closed club.
JoJoFit & Jason - Episode 34
Another day where Panthea spends it at the beach. She is joined by two other people, and as they are talking with each other, the time went on, and the more intimately it got between them.
EvangelineMcDowell - Episode 35
After some training in poledancing, Panthea wanted to show somebody some of her new tricks, so she called one of her friends over, so she could show her tricks. As it turns out, not many tricks get shown, before her lovely friend pulled her off stage and down on the couch, and it got to other things then just poledancing.
Devil - Episode 37
Panthea has after a long day of work, gotten home to be by herself and went straight to bed, but when she woke up, she was not at home anymore, but rather somewhere that looked like her home, and then she saw him! This person that she never thought existed, but now she was facing no one other than the Devil himself.
Mangoz - Episode 38
New year was just around the corner for Panthea, and she threw a party, but as the party was ending it went from a room full of people, to only her and one of her many friends. So as they were talking, they decided to ring in the new year with one hell of a bang.
Mairi - Episode 39
Panthea had taken herself back down to The Sin Club, where people were dancing and enjoying each other's company. Panthea had found herself a spot to dance, and there was this person leaning up against the wall near her. Was not long before Panthea felt a pair of hands around her belly, and more than just dancing was about too happen.
CherryCherry- Episode 40
Once again, Panthea has found herself one of these submisive girls that had the lust to try out Panthea's limits. So the woman gave her body, to Panthea to us for her pleasure, and the longer they played on, the more fun it got for them both.
Sjcool - Episode 36
Panthea had taken a day off, where she just wanted to relax, and not think about anything. She was relaxing in the pool, when a guy decided to join her. Seems this guy had no idea what Panthea was doing, and started to kinda annoy her. After a few minutes, Panthea had enough, and just gave the guy what he wanted, so they both could go on with there lives.